DIVISION is a globally renowned production powerhouse that has cemented its reputation for bold, innovative storytelling since its founding in Paris in 2010. Led by the visionary duo of CEO Arno Moria and managing director Jules de Chateleux, the agency boasts an impressive roster of sought-after filmmakers, photographers, and creative directors, including the likes of Gabriel Moses, Camille Summers-Valli, and the late Valentin Petit. With offices spanning Paris, Los Angeles, and Sydney, DIVISION has established itself as a leading voice in the industry, earning accolades such as being ranked a top-five production company at the Australasian Writers and Art Directors Awards and being named Production House of the Year by D&AD multiple times. The company's diverse portfolio encompasses high-profile music videos, commercials, and fashion films for an esteemed client base that includes A$AP Rocky, Pharrell, Snoop Dogg, Mugler, and Balmain, all executed with DIVISION's signature disruptive style and technical mastery.